National Theatre Scotland live broadcast of 24 hours of Five Minute Theatre

Creative Tech

Technical consultant for the logistics of the live video stream and production vision mixers/stream engineer for the duration of the event at the NTS HQ in Glasgow alongside the NTS team.

Client: National Theatre Scotland
Work Type: Creative Tech
Date: June 2014 & June 2011
Remit: Multi-location live stream and prerecorded playback for a 24 hour broadcast

Five Minute Theatre is 24 hours of live theatre: 200 videos, two thirds of which were live from multiple locations in Scotland (often so remote their slot had to be delayed due to intermittent connections), the rest were pre-recorded and sent in from around the world. The second broadcast was in 2014, the first in 2011 was in celebration of five dramatic years producing cutting edge theatre. Both live theatre and pre-recorded shows from national and international submissions was shown round the clock. Read what the Guardian thought about it.

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